This was the theme of our recent Mother’s Day event at the Emergency Shelter into honor the girls & women there and celebrate motherhood.
We aimed to inspire and ingrain a positive acceptance of each one there, so that by the end of the activity, we hoped they would all feel assured that they were not just Valuable, but loved, appreciated and blessed. Our sweet volunteer MC, Alicha, opened the event with a word on Positive declarations –You are what you say and think! With stories and examples, she explained how what they think and say can shape their reality. Then she invited the ladies to “decorate” our Mother’s Day Poster with positive statements of Who they thought they were. In order to help them keep these positive thoughts throughout the event, we told them of the later game challenge when they’d win prizes for writing up as many positive “I AM” declarations on the two blank boards we had on stage The incentive was a big box of prizes with all sort of gifts to choose — from fashion accessories to bags to stuffed toys for those who took the challenge and wrote up their affirmations. Some of these heartfelt words were : “Even though I am not rich and live in a small place, I AM valuable as a mother. ” “I am important because I am a Mom”. I AM not afraid, I am Strong in life.” — knowing that these girls have come from difficult situations and harsh experiences, we were really moved and thrilled to see such declarations.
After that emotional pump-up, we had ADELINE Miu take the stage to get them moving with ZUMBA dancing! She started with a short session of lighter exercises for the pregnant mommies before she then took on everyone else there for a good 30-minute workout! Definitely got the happy-hormones –(endorphins) going!
The activity organised by CTM in partnership with more than ten other individual and corporate sponsors, is held annually at the Shelter and for the last five years, the highlight is a makeover!
AVON Thailand generously provided the full set of basic makeup — foundation, blusher, eyeshadow and lipstick for every one there, including caregivers and staff. The team from the MAKEUP ARTs & TECHNIQUE School showed the girls how to use the makeup on themselves, resulting in beautifully enhanced looks. GLAMMER EDUCATION SCHOOL with their skilled hairstylists creatively worked their magic on their hair and produced some new images.
The team from DASY DESIGN completed the transformation with gorgeous nail colors for total effect!
In order to get the girls working together, and having fun participating in the program, we told them that if they performed in the Talent Show, they’d stand to win cash prizes – 1,000, 800 and 500 baht for the top three performers. With only four teams contesting, everyone was well-rewarded with the third and fourth placed contestants also getting some extra gifts. Our judges were Khun Weerasak, MD of Glammer Education School, Khun Surayos from Makeup Arts & Technique Sch., Khun Noi from Dasy Design and our guest volunteer, Jenny Raphaeli . Thanks to Ajaan Kannika, Carina Lim, Adeline Miu, Jane Clark for the prizes and gifts for this show.
Thanks to Jenny, we got connected with STEVEN DAVID LIM, a professional photographer, who helped us with a mini-studio setup where he took and created beautiful shots of the girls, after their makeover. These were then printed immediately on the amazing SELPHY printer which was so kindly donated by CANON Singapore. To have their pictures in hand was like an affirmation in itself for the girls as the photos captured an image of them at their best, a beautiful image.
To top this all off, we had a wonderful lunch spread. Thanks to our faithful sponsors the MIRACLE GRAND Convention Hotel and the OISHI group, we had such a generous variety and supply for the residents, volunteers, participating sponsors, caregivers and staff of the Shelter! The Miracle Grand put out a delicious spread of Thai favorites including Massaman, fried larb, fried noodles, mixed vegetables, and fruit. The Oishi group provided their renowned Black Tea along with different varieties of Japanese lunch boxes including salmon, teriyaki chicken, tempura shrimp, pork – it was hard to choose!
Thanks to the Mommies of the Facebook ‘Mummies Club’ for the support and contributions of baby/maternity clothes and toys – which were all divided into bags and distributed to the new Moms and Moms to be. Thanks to the families of KIS International School for all the other contributions which went to Bahn Dek, the nursery and the Shelter.
Special thanks also to TONG GARDEN and Mr D. Morales for your support.
We also printed a beautiful booklet of encouraging, motivational stories and quotes and this was distributed to all — Thanks to Onpa Printing Co. for their help with this!
We are so thankful for how this event came together with the compassion, the generosity of everyone who gave, who came, who participated – we really couldn’t have done this without our dear friends! Truly it was the caring and connecting which produced the changes today in only in the looks, but also in the hearts of these dear girls and women!
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I AM VALUABLE – MOTHER’s DAY 2015 — No Comments
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