Magical Makeover!
(Mother’s Day 2014)
What’s one of the best ways to boost someone’s self-esteem, besides a whole lot of love and appreciation?
It’s having people feel good about themselves. One way to do that is to help them look good!
So recently, at our annual Mother’s Day celebration at the Emergency Home (a shelter for abused women and children), we hosted ‘The Magical Makeover’ program with the help of several corporate partners and friends!
Glammer Hairdressing School came in with their team of eight hairstylists; Makeup Arts and Technique School with 15 makeup artists and Dasy Design with three of their talented nail designers!
Wow! This was hands-on participation by the professionals who were there to help enhance each individual’s beauty, an inspiring transformation for the girls and women at the Shelter.
Thanks also to Avon Cosmetics, who provided the girls with their very own cosmetic box with a set of lipstick, blusher and eye-shadow colors.
We started off the program with a definite feel-good sensation – we distributed cups of yummy Cremo ICE-CREAM for everyone. Then, dear friend, Alicha, who came to help as the Thai emcee, opened the program with a little talk on Beauty — how much it’s more in the mind and in the mirror! It’s the beauty within, the way we think about ourselves and what we say to and conclude about ourselves that can determines how we look. If we think & accept the thought that we’re old, or we’re just not good enough or pretty enough, we will carry ourselves and look as we feel – feeling old and tired, lacking in self-confidence, feeling insecure…
“As a woman thinks in his heart, so is she” (proverbs 23:7)
Sunny Frost superbly acted this out in a skit to show how in the first scenario, someone can wake up in the morning, and start spouting off all the negative, the things she hates, she’s worried about..etc.. In the next scene, Sunny showed how someone can also start off positive — feeling and declaring she’s beautiful, speaking out of a heart full of gratitude & expecting only good to happen that day! Such a thankful, grateful heart will totally transform your outlook on life, to see sunshine bursting through the rain clounds!
During this and the makeover, we organised a special activity for the little kids with volunteer Julia and CTM staffer, Steven. They got the kids painting ceramic dolls, and in the process, got painted too!
Part of feeling and looking good is body fitness . So, while some of the girls were having their makeover, we had on stage the incredibly talented Jamal Benouhoud of Zumba Fitness who engaged the rest of the audience and got them gyrating and moving to the beat of some popular, rhythmic hits. It was dance+exercise +fun as Jamal went from the stage to interact and engineer the girls all dancing the limbo! By this time, we also had our professional makeup artists jumping in to join the fun!
After each girl had her hair and makeup done, we had a professional photographer (thanks to the Makeup Arts & Technique School for their photographer!) on hand to take a profile shot. This was instantly printed out on a special Canon photo printer (BIG thanks to Tamrerk Nasomyont who sourced & set this up for the event!) . Each photo was then pasted onto a page of the inspirational booklet that we had designed and printed up for the girls. A nice memento of the occasion, of the day they were pampered princesses looking their best!
We then invited the girls to come up and choose whatever clothes they wanted from our spread of pre-loved clothes (Thanks to KIS International School PYP families for the contributions!) The condition was that everyone who got clothes would have to model them in an impromptu fashion catwalk! It was sheer fun to watch as the girls sashayed down the ‘aisle’, showing off the clothes they picked out. All catwalk participants then got to choose any gift from a tablespread of cuddly toys and fashion accessories for their enthusiastic efforts!
The afternoon rolled on so quickly, with one activity after another. Finally, another highlight – FOOD!
Miracle Grand Hotel laid out a sumptuous spread of food, dips and fruit for al. Along with Oishi Group’s trademark green/black tea and herbal drinks & the variety of o-bento meals plus chicken drumlets from Grampian Foods Siam – there was more than enough to feed the Shelter’s residents, all the caregivers and participating volunteers, the professionals and assistants!
Besides all that food, kids & residents at the Shelter also received peanut snacks from Tong Garden and cookie bags from Kerry Flour Mill!
In gratitude, we also presented letters & certificates of appreciation for all our participating sponsors.
What friends, what a wonderful collaborative effort to bring happiness to so many! In this, we see life’s beauty, when we are able to share such opportunities together to make others happy! THANK YOU everyone for making this possible! We couldn’t have done it without you!!
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