There are many children aged from three-12 at the daycare center of the Immigration Detention Center where their parents are being held for various reasons. Sweet volunteers help there to provide what they can to help these kids have a bit of sunshine, learning, love and life as days pass on to weeks, months and years. They are giving their labors of love but need some help with materials so that they can do a better job of teaching and training these kids. They have asked for the following : If you have any of these things, we will arrange to pick them up.:
List of Needed Items
1. Graded readers for children age 3-12
2. Writing or activity books and teacher’s manual
3. Basic computer course book
4. Educational toys or learning resources for child development
If it’s possible, we would like to specifically have as follows:
– A wooden house with family sets for the purpose of developing psychosocial skills for detained children
– A Montessori sand tray for therapeutic purposes
– LEGO (big and small)
5. Musical instrument for kids (such as an electronic keyboard and guitar)
6.any early-learning/elementary school resources would be appreciated.
7. The children are also allowed to go out on field trips/excursions. If any one would like to sponsor a trip for 25 kids somewhere, to embed a special memory into their little hearts, please let us know and drop a message here Thank you so much!
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